Cypherock X1 - Shamir Share Based Hardware Wallet (Seedless Backups)

A video that runs through an unboxing, setup and review of the Cypherock X1, Shamir Share based Hardware Wallet. (As opposed to standard BIP39 or SLIP39 seeds)

Buy Cypherock X1: Replacement X1 Cards: a 10% discount, use code CRYPTO46487 at checkout.

00:00 - Intro

00:26 - Unboxing

01:28 - Initial Setup - Software Download

03:01 - Initial Setup - Pairing X1 Hardware

05:20 - Initial Setup - Wallet Creation

07:58 - Desktop Software Setup

08:53 - Receiving Funds

10:03 - Sending Funds

11:26 - Desktop App Settings/Overview

12:16 - Backup Card Tests

13:55 - Important Note Regarding PIN

13:42 - Restoring Existing Seed

17:15 - BIP39 Passphrase Support

18:24 - Replacing Lost/Locked Cards

20:46 - Documentation/Code Review

21:26 - Keylabs Audit

21:55 - Summary/Conclusion


If you are new to Crypto, my suggestion is that you start with buying ~$150 worth of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin @ Coinbase and get familiar with storing it, moving it around, etc.

For Trading, just start with Binance:

By sticking with large, reputable exchanges for your first purchase (Coinbase) and first trade (Binance) you can avoid getting scammed right at the start by purchasing a non-existing coin off a scammy exchange. (You would be surprised how many people fall into this trap)

Don't have a hardware wallet?

Be safe and buy them direct from the manufacturer. (Not just through some random on eBay, Amazon, etc)

Get a Ledger: you are just starting out, I would just recommend a Ledger Nano S)

If this was helpful, feel free to send me a tip:

BTC: 37hiiSB1Poj6Shs8WawPS2HjT2jzHkFSQi

BCH: qr9qenlgjh0xlyz802h70ul69rpdj8z6qyuh7m79ah

LTC: MRWnUcsyofisVp5GvX7nxMog5caneycKZ6

ETH: 0xCe41d43349E1c8C53E02631650E236d94A899a95

VTC: vtc1qxauv20r2ux2vttrjmm9eylshl508q04uju936n

ZEN: znUihTHfwm5UJS1ywo911mdNEzd9WY9vBP7

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